Baking soda is natural product found in all living things and is a phenomenal effective way of cleaning for the low cost of a box of this product. Here are some of the many uses of Baking Soda:
- Barbequing fatty foods the spark flames? Have a bottle of baking soda and water to spray on flames, works wonderfully.
- High Alkalinity in a pool use baking soda instead of purchasing Alk from your pool store, same exact thing.
- Clean your garbage disposal with 1:2 ratio of baking soda & vinegar.
- Sprinkle some Baking Soda in your Laundry Hamper to soak up odor.
- Flower beds can be sprinkled with baking soda to lower acid in soil and help plants grow.
- Hydrangea will blossom beautifully with some baking soda sprinkled when watering weekly.
- Store fishing hooks in baking soda to eliminate smell & prevent rusting.
- Soak paint brushes in warm water and baking soda to soften hardened brushes.
- Removing sun tan lotion on decks, chairs, leather car seats use some water and baking soda or pour on directly and let it sit for a bit.
- Storing winter or summer clothes in attic or basement and don’t want a musty smell? Place some baking soda in container. Works great in backpacks!
- Flowers in you home can be sprinkled with baking soda to lengthen their life!
- Musty odor in outdoor toys, furniture, pool toys? Wash with 1:4 ratio of baking soda and water.
- Hair can be restored with little mixture in a bowl of baking soda and water. Make it pasty and apply in shower. This can restore your hair to the natural oil balance.
- Have a minor burn? Quickly pour some baking soda into a bowl with ice cold water. Place a towel in the solution to absorb in wrap around the burn. This will sooth and reducing blistering.
- Sunburn can be uncomfortable. Take a bath in baking soda to sooth the burn.
- Shampoos can cause dandruff problems for some. Eliminate shampoo for 2 weeks and wash with baking soda. This will eliminate dandruff for those who are prone to this.
- Bit to much Garlic one night? Gargle in morning with some baking soda to freshen breath and eliminate smell.
- Stinky shoes in a closet can have some baking soda sprinkled in them to eliminate the smell.
- Burning athletes foot? Create a paste of baking soda and water. Rub between toes and let dry. Wipe off and foot should begin to heal and feel better.
- Freshen & remove odors from carpet, upholstery and all furniture with some sprinkled on before vacuuming.
- Remove odors in an ash tray with some sprinkled on bottom.
Enjoy, save money and go get some Baking Soda!
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