Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cleaning Wipes Review | Computer Screen Cleaning

Cleaning your office or homes computer keyboard and monitor screen on a regular basis is highly important. Computer keyboards and screens hold a lot of bacteria and other germs. Typically most cleaning companies do not clean computer’s in one’s home or office and thus it’s important that you clean it regularly yourself.

Dirt, fingerprints and other smudges on a computer screen should be cleaned often. Use a dry microfiber cloth to remove any debris from your LCD computer screen. When cleaning the screen apply very little pressure against the screen to prevent damaging. Never clean your computer screen with Glass Cleaner or other household cleaning chemicals as many have ammonia which can damage your computers screen. It is also highly recommended that when cleaning with whatever cleaning tool you use that your computer screen be cool, try to do it before starting the day.

Recently we did a quick test on several of our computer monitors and keyboards throughout the office. We compared Screen Cleaning Wipes and a LCD Screen Cleaner kit. There are many manufactures of computer cleaning choices like 3M, Fellowes, Read Right and others. We chose to use the manufacture Innovera. Innovera is a manufacturer of technology accessories, supplies and peripherals that offer consumers a lower priced choice compared to other national brand names. The quality of the Innovera line is great with the price even better.

The LCD Screen Cleaner Kit comes with replacement wipes, solution cleaner and a cleaning tool. The Cleaning tool has two different sides, one to squeegee the screen safely after spraying the solution and another side to get between your keypads. The cleaning solution is an alcohol based cleaner and has a strong scent. After cleaning the screen it did require us to use a microfiber to really clean away any final marks. Overall the screen cleaning was OK, though the cleaning tool for the keyboard was great. The cleaning tool got deep between the keypads to clean thoroughly. This was the kit:

The Screen Cleaning Wipes we used were the Innovera Screen Cleaning wipes.

These cleaning wipes did a great job on cleaning the computer screen. They are pre-moistened and are a non-alcohol formula. It comes with 120 cleaning wipes and can be used on LCD Screens and Plasma screens. The job was fantastic and on larger computer screens two were needed as they aren’t very moist to prevent over wetting your monitor. The wipes come in a container and does not come with a cleaning tool to clean your keyboard.

In conclusion all our computers are clean. The preference was the cleaning wipes by a majority of the office team, though many liked the cleaning tool for the keyboards. Both cleaning products are less than $3 and having both in our office will definitely not go to waste. Happy computer screen cleaning!


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  3. This is really useful cleaning supply for everyone. Because I noticed when I clean my Pc with normal wet clothe there always leave some lines on the screen. I hope this makes me happy.

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  5. Excellent post, We should clean our computer screen every day so that we can see it clearly :D
    Thanks You can find out more cleaning products at on normal price.
