Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Carpet Cleaning Business Income Opportunities

My daddy always told me to reach for the lowest hanging fruit. When looking to grow your revenue for your business marketing additional services that are relevant to your customers needs is definitely the easiest way to grow revenue. If you own a commercial, residential or carpet cleaning company one of the easiest ways to generate additional revenue is through duct cleaning. Duct cleaning is an extremely profitable business, easy business and business with a huge marketplace. The average duct cleaning company will charge anywhere between $400-$1200 depending upon the market and size of home.

Dwellings should consider having their ducts cleaned for many reasons. HVAC systems are typically filled with bacteria and dust that create poor indoor air quality (IAQ). This can add to the amount of dust inside a dwelling. Consumers who have their ducts cleaned are also allowing their HVAC system to perform more efficiently. The cleaner the HVAC system the better the IAQ, more efficient the system, lower their bills and increase in life expectancy of the HVAC system. Frequency will range on how often the ducts of a home need or should be cleaned. Individuals with a lot of pets in a home, smokers, allergies or who have had a recent remolding should consider having their HVAC system cleaned.

The process of cleaning the ducts inside a dwelling is relatively simple. Duct cleaning requires the use of a tool to agitate the ductworks and loosen the dust. After the agitation of the ductwork a vacuum will be needed to remove the dust. Good equipment makes the process easy and a portable device can be used just as efficiently as the expensive truck mount units used by many duct cleaning companies. The equipment itself can typically be paid for in as little as 3 jobs based on the minimum average charge for duct cleaning. The process only takes a little bit to teach ones self.

In conclusion with the public interest in better indoor air quality more customers are open to this additional service. The health benefits and reduction in dust are powerful reasons for consumers to agree to this additional service. Having the relationship with the customer already will make this service offer that much easier. Customers will win with a healthier environment, working with an existing service provider they know and most likely since your out at the site already a little lower cost.
To learn more about duct cleaning and watch a video of the process visit us at click here.


  1. Having worked in the duct cleaning business, I would recommend working with another duct cleaning business before going out on your own. This will give you a better understand about what it takes to do proper cleaning. Duct cleaning can not be taken lightly.

    Toronto Duct Cleaning

  2. You are providing nice and useful article. Thanks for sharing .This article really helps a lot for us when i am searching about cleaning services.

    Ontario Duct Cleaning
