Monday, October 10, 2011

Indoor Dust | 8 Ways to Reduce Dust inside your Office or Home

Dust in a home or an office is impossible to eliminate. Dust comes from so many area’s that it is virtually impossible to eliminate regardless of how often you clean and what cleaning products you use. Over 80% of dust comes from our own skin and fabrics throughout your home or building. Your clothing, shoes, bedding, chairs, curtains and so many other daily items are capturing and releasing in the air fibers of dust.

Household dust travels from outside to inside your home or office easily and no cleaning supplies can stop it completely. Dust enters your home from open doors, windows, shoes and many other ways. Dust can contain tiny amounts of human skin, plant pollens, animal hairs and many other elements. Dust is so lite that it can settle on any surface and move back into the air very easily. Dust is extremely unhealthy for people with respiratory problems, small children and the elderly. With all of this said, dust can at least be controlled and limited by the following 8 steps:

1) Vacuum Cleaners | Regular office or household vacuuming is crucial to controlling indoor dust. Use a good lightweight vacuum cleaner that has a good filtration system. A commercial vacuum cleaner can have more power to vacuum deep in the fibers of a carpet. Vacuuming should be done often and definitely near doorways daily.

2) Carpet Cleaning extractor | Carpets capture a ton of indoor dust and need to be cleaned often. A commercial carpet extractor or good residential carpet cleaner should be used at least twice a year on all carpets. Vacuuming is great for carpets, though nothing removes more dust that is trapped in the carpet fibers than a good carpet extractor.

3) Dusting | Dusting your house or office should be done weekly. Use a good microfiber cleaning cloth or cleaning rags and wipe each surface with a cleaning chemical of choice. Microfiber towels capture more dust than does a regular terry cloth towel. Microfiber rags also limit the amount of cleaning chemicals that are needed when cleaning.

4) Cleaning Blinds & Curtains monthly | Blinds and curtains by windows capture a lot of dust. Use a canister vacuum cleaner to vacuum your curtains often. Most vacuum cleaners have a vacuum accessory tool for dusting, like a dusting brush. For blinds use a good feather duster that captures the dust verse moving it back into the air. Ostrich feather dusters are the best for this.

5) Bedding | Your bedding should be washed weekly as your bed captures more dust than anything in your home due to your skin cells. Vacuum your mattress monthly with a good canister vacuum that preferably has a vacuum bag option. Use the vacuum cleaners upholstery tool for this and make sure to vacuum top, sides and the bottom.

6) Filters | Change your furnace filters often, at least quarterly. The number one cause by far of furnace problems is dust. Changing the filter is better for your furnace and health. Also remember to change your vacuum filter often.

7) Furniture Care | Cushions on chairs should be vacuumed and cleaned often. Dust is attracted to your furniture and use a good canister vacuum cleaner to vacuum your cushions often. Leather furniture should be wiped with a leather cleanermonthly.

8) Air Purifier | Consider purchasing a good air purifier. An air purifier can greatly reduce the amount of dust indoors and also cleans the air you breathe. Austin Air Purifiers and Blue Air are some of the best purifiers available. There are several other manufactures, though do your research before making a purchase.

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