Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Regular Cleaning Greatly Improves Indoor Air Quality

Cleaning your home or facility on a regular basis greatly improves the indoor air quality. The air inside our homes and offices is said to be much worse than the air we breathe outside. Indoor air pollution can be from our cleaning products we use, cooking, dust, leaking faucets, heating systems, outdoor pollutants that get trapped inside and much more. Many of today’s newer buildings are so air tight that not enough fresh outdoor air is brought in to circulate the indoor air. Regular cleaning of your facility can greatly improve the indoor air.

Vacuuming your facility with a good commercial vacuum can be one of the most significant ways of improving the indoor air. Regular vacuuming with a good upright vacuum cleaner can capture much of the dust that is generated inside our building. Vacuuming the entryway mats each day can have a significant impact on reducing the amount of dust in the building. A good backpack vacuum will make vacuuming a facility easy and will greatly help get into tight areas easily. Choose a commercial vacuum that has good filtration and lightweight vacuums are also easier to use.

Dusting of walls and ceilings in your facility is important to do before vacuuming on a regular cycle. High dusters can help remove cobwebs and debris that are breading grounds for bacteria. Have a good ostrich feather duster to dust pictures on walls and work throughout the room from top to bottom. Dusting your facility on a weekly basis can have great benefits and vacuuming afterwards with a good Hepa Filtrated Vacuum will greatly help indoor air quality.

Buildings should also have their floors cleaned professionally on a regular basis. Carpet actually is great for improving indoor air quality as it captures soils, though the carpets should be cleaned with the best carpet extractor on a regular basis. A heated carpet extractor is good as the heat will extract soils stuck deep in the carpets. Having a good carpet cleaning chemical can also greatly help in extracting soils deep in the carpet and there are also many carpet protector chemicals available. Consider using a good carpet pre-spray chemical with a sprayer in high traffic areas for best carpet care. A professional commercial carpet extractor should be used minimally twice a year in commercial buildings.

Indoor pollution can greatly impact those inside buildings both short term and years later. There are many professional steps that should be taken, though regular scheduled cleaning will greatly help improve indoor air. Dusting, vacuuming and professional carpet cleaning will help reduce indoor pollutants and make for a much healthier workplace or home!

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