Thursday, November 18, 2010

Commercial Cleaning - How to Keep your Building Cleaner!

Cleaning products and equipment have become so efficient that it has really assisted in keeping offices, buildings and properties much cleaner. The noise level has been reduced dramatically in many commercial cleaning machines that they're able to be run during working schedules without any employee interruptions. Property managers have been able to reduce cleaning cost by purchasing more efficient cleaning machines that cover more space in less time saving on per hour wage cost. Chemicals have become much stronger and environmentally friendly to help make the cleaning tasks easier, quicker and cleaner. Outside of equipment cost can be saved by following some further basic cost saving steps.

Cleaning maintenance should be put on a rotating schedule that isn't always everything at once. Cost can be saved by focusing on frequently used areas that get more public attention and reducing the amount of time that is spent in areas that don't. More frequent cleaning of restrooms, break rooms, kitchens, entrance area's and waiting area's will help reduce the amount of soil that will be transferred throughout the other less frequented area's. More frequent cleaning of carpet and flooring will also help reduce the long term cost of having to spend more time extracting soils that have had time to settle. Prioritizing cleaning heavily used area's will help keep the structures more thoroughly cleaned and save on cleaning cost overall by reducing amount of time necessary to clean an entire complex.

In conclusion technology and innovation have assisted in making buildings cleaner at a much lower cost. Implementing these additional suggestions should also help to reduce the amount of money necessary to keep an office clean and help make it cleaner overall. Most office complexes today are all still cleaned completely in the same method and same frequency. Property managers or building managers can dramatically increase the cleanliness of the building by focusing on a more frequent cleaning schedule of highly used areas and reduce the necessity of cleaning the entire complex as often. Happier office employees or tenants, at a lower cost are a win/win for everyone.

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1 comment:

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