Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Guide to Cleaning and Maintaining Carpet

Carpet maintenance done correctly can greatly maintain the longevity of your carpet and reduce the cost of replacing it more frequently. There a four key steps to take to keeping your carpet clean and not having to replace it as often. Preventative maintenance, daily maintenance, quarterly or semi-annual procedures and restorative care will all help in keeping your carpet looking brand new. Following these four steps on a regular basis will save any homeowner or commercial business owner a lot of money long term.

Preventative care is simple and easy to take care of for any carpeted building or home owner. Preventative maintenance is as simple as having the proper door mats and entrance mats throughout the structure in any entrance area. Make sure when purchasing a door mat to have the appropriate material to attract the most dirt. Cleaning of the door mat by shaking it out regularly will help it attract the most dirt. Outdoor entrances should also be swept on a regular schedule to ensure the least amount of soils from entering the building. Sweep the outside area as often as necessary and try to power wash outside the entrance twice a year.

Routine carpet maintenance is essential in longevity for carpet. Thoroughly vacuum all carpet of any building or home as often as possible based on traffic patterns. Vacuuming up as much soils as often as possible will help in keeping your carpet fresh. Use a professional upright commercial vacuum and try to vacuum in various patterns to agitate the carpet fibers to release as much dug in soils as possible. Routine maintenance also entails removing immediately any fresh spots or spills. Treating fresh stains in the appropriate cleaning method will assist in keeping the entire carpet looking healthy longer.

Quarterly or semi-annually consider encapsulation or having a powerful pile lifter vacuum performed over your carpeted area. A pile lifter is a powerful unit that has very high suction power. The force and brush power will lift the deepest soils from the carpet. The New Hydro-Force pile lifter or similar unit has a rapid brush speed that helps keep carpeted areas cleaner and more attractive long term. This is also great to perform before carpet extracting to bring all dug in dry soils to the top. Carpet encapsulation with a multipro rotary floor machine or something like it will also help maintain a carpets life and is easy to perform. Carpet rakes are available from Groom Solutions also for under $15 to bring pet hair or built in soils to the top to vacuum more easily. Semi-annual steps like this will keep carpet fresher longer.

Annually a heavily used carpet should have itself professionally extracted with hot water. Pre-spraying heavy traffic area's first and possibly agitating it into the carpet with a brush to allow for a more thorough extraction. After a carpet is professionally extracted putting a protector on the carpet will allow for spills throughout the year to be easily treated. Carpet proctor sprays aren't very expensive and will keep commercial and residential carpets lasting longer.

In conclusion following the four steps above will help keep a carpet clean and lasting a long time. Protect doorways with good, non-cheap doormats, vacuum carpeted area as often as possible, have a system on a semi-annual basis to take extra maintenance steps and extract carpets annually. Homeowners or commercial building owners who follow these procedures will have a healthy looking carpet that last a long time.


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