Monday, September 12, 2011

Air Sanitizer | Great Benefits using Air Sanitizers

Air Sanitizers can clean the air you breathe daily. Everyone uses sanitizers to clean their hands, sanitizer to clean your bathrooms; you can also use Air Sanitizer to clean the air. The benefits of air sanitizers are endless. Air sanitizers can be used in schools, hospitals, homes, offices and all facilities. You can destroy odors and even kill bacteria with good sanitizers.

Air sanitizer is traditionally used for fighting odors, though can also be used for killing bacteria, fungi and viruses. You can kill 99.9% of all germs, bacteria and viruses with good air sanitizers. TimeMist is a great manufacture of many different air sanitizers. One can of TimeMist Sanitizer covers 6000 cubic feet for 30 days while dispensing sanitizer into the air every 15 minutes. These dispensers are very economical and the benefits are tremendous. The TimeMist sanitizers are EPA registered and proven to improve the air you breathe. TimeMist Air Sanitizers come in many different scents depending upon individual preferences. TimeMist air sanitizer is recommended to use in offices, bathrooms, lobbies, conference areas and just about any room.

Metered Air Sanitizers benefits are tremendous. The air smells much fresher and most importantly the air is much cleaner. The price is very economical and choices are endless. TimeMist has kits available for those looking for the dispenser and fragrance or just replacement cans. TimeMist has so many choices like Green Apple, Pina Colada, Cucumber, Cherry, Citrus and even many Yankee Candle Scents. In summary using Air Sanitizers have so many benefits it’s well worth trying one today!

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